Farewell my beautiful Alli.
Tonight we lost one of the great dogs of my life. My Alli. Taken too soon at just 8 years of age.
We encountered Alli on the way home from a trip to Mt Buller with Susanne (Dantatter) during her trip out here in 2006. A random stop that started an amazing set of events. Susanne had never owned a dog and for an hour or so Alli was actually hers! But once handed over to Jamie it was evident whose dog companion she really was.

My heeler was getting on and we convinced Jamie to get her and Susanne and I went over and collected her.

Alli went to work with Jamie every day and was his constant companion.

When Jamie died, Alli was instrumental (along with Terra and the horses) in keeping me on this earth. A fun, crazy, and sometimes frustrating, but loyal and obedient dog that I adored. She watched over me with sincere patience and concern and licked away my tears or goaded me into action when I was down.

Alli was "out of sorts" one morning when I came home from work. Prior to that she had not shown any signs of being ill and had been really active chasing the ball at the park the previous day, The vets initially thought she had been poisoned and treated her for it. She rallied well after a transfusion and vitamin K and I had hoped that was all it was.....sadly a scan the next morning showed not only a large tumour on her spleen but secondary tumours on her liver. The mass on her spleen had ruptured and was causing her to bleed internally. She was bright enough and happy to walk around so after consultation with the vets on her care I took her home.
We spent the next two days quietly at the reserve, some open space instead of the suburban back yard she had to make her home after moving from the farm.
She still wouldn't be beaten.... made me laugh by stalking the horses in the paddock next door, Then, once she had their attention, sitting to watch over them as she had done to mine all those years at the farm. Never chasing, always just watching.
Alli died at 22:20 on August 17 at home with her human and co-resident animals by her side and will be incredibly missed. RIP my beautiful girl.
Oh, that's brought tears to my eyes. Nearly as sad as your post about Jamie and his passing. Be brave, dear Jenni, be brave. Ben will take care of you.