Shuttle heaven.....

Today has been a FANTASTIC day. The mailman was good to me for a change and I received not one but TWO surprises in the mail. First a little bit of history so you know just HOW special this mail is......... A couple of years ago Dantatter sent me some photos of a tatting exhibition in Germany. One of the vendors there sold the most wonderful looking wooden inlay tatting shuttles. Of course I fell in love with them straight away and they got added to my.. I REEALLLLY REEAALLLLY WANT THESE list. (one that is WAY too long!) Easier said than done. I tried everything I could to find the maker and contact details and thought I had it there for a while but alas it was not to be.... language barriers and trying to get the money over there was just going to make it too hard. UNTIL..... A few weeks ago I was chatting with someone from InTatters who lives in Switzerland and so I asked her about the shuttles. Yep - she knew of them and not only that - knew how to get hold of some!! WHAT????? ...