A challenge.

Looking through Facebook tonight I came across an event called Jesienny Antydepresant run by Laura Bziukiewicz. I have been a fan of her designs for quite a while and was keen to join in. The event started in September and Laura kindly allowed me to join and catch up. So I though about how to go about the theme. Translated it is Autumnal Antidepressant. My idea was to actually put a theme of colors into the piece starting with the dark thought of an oncoming winter (black) gradually becoming brighter as the anitdepressant qualities of tatting kicked in.....right....off to tat. But....as usual....I hit a roadblock. Those of you who know me well, know that I am not very good with colour schemes. I fiddle around, choose colours, find I don't actually HAVE all the colours, go find some that I do have, kick myself that I forgot to get a certain colour while I had a chance, find the ones I want then see they are different sizes, procrastinate a little more, then finally decide to just do...