Going a tad crazy on the shuttles......
Not only am I back tatting...but I am replenishing my diminished stash of shuttles. Still not happy about the lost ones but I have remedied that as far as I can....
Ordered another EbonyGR-8 shuttle from Randy Houtz so I thought why not lash out and spend some of my farm garage sale earnings on ME..
So I bought a Celtic resin and a plain resin as well. Randy modified the hooks for me so waiting to see how they tat.
Also splurged on another Lydia Pinkham shuttle purely because I couldn't resist...plus bought a coconut shell shuttle from Rosita*s
Then today I managed to get probably the most unusual shuttle I have seen. It appears to be a black plastic with a lump on the side and something protruding so I asked the seller. Turns out the lump holds a pin of sorts to the side of the shuttle. Can't wait to investigate this one a bit closer!
Pics when they arrive!
They arrived. Here is the unusual shuttle. Would love to know details if anyone knows something about it (other than it is a shuttle and it is a shuttle with a bit of wire on the end......) LOL

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