Double addiction....

When I first met Ben he introduced me to the later series of Dr Who and I have to admit I actually liked it!

Surprise surprise one night when I was watching the opening credits I noticed that there was this suspiciously shuttle-like object just BEGGED to be made real...

At this point I finally had to come clean to Ben that I was an addict...yes - hard I know... always tough to break this news to a partner but it had to be done and it was ALL The Doctor's fault!

His reaction?? To go off and make some artwork for me to send to "shuttle collection enabler" (my shuttle partner in crime who must not be named) to see what wonders she could create. arrived and I have to say it is BRILLIANT!

Thanks "shuttle collection enabler" - once again you have shown how truly talented you are and how great a friend you are to us tatters. Always up to my odd challenges and schemes!

And thanks heaps to Ben for doing the artwork and encouraging my addiction!!


  1. Oh la la!!! I am so jealous! You can really fly with that one ... To the shuttles - Allons-y!!

  2. Well lucky girl looks like you got one of a kinda too, how funny I never thought of requesting something like that!

  3. OOOH I want one! I havent gotten in to the New Dr.Who seasons, But Loved the old ones. Tom Baker Dr.#4 Is my absolute favorite! Welcome to the Addiction :)

  4. Dreaming of having a Doctor Who shuttle of my very own...(hint, hint) what a wonderful bit of decoupage! And with a "Rebel Time Lord" to delight us (Peter Capaldi, cannot wait to see what the writers have in store for him!) later this year I know I will be itching to tat Whovian-themed motifs. Where can I buy one, please?

  5. Sorry IsDihara...these were made by a friend as a special present. They are not commercially available.

  6. Gorgeous, Liyarra. I saw this shuttle on Fox's blog months ago, and when my kids FORCED me to start watching it last month, I saw the "shuttle" in the opening credits! lol What a cool gift you ladies cooked up.


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