Magic Square success!!

I have tried this pattern a couple of times and it has beaten me...Mainly due to pattern attention deficit issues...

Someone on InTatters was searching for the pattern and it reminded me that it was on my 'Nemesis List' and, being in THAT frame of mind (you know - the "oh no you don't....not going to sit there and laugh at me and say you can't be done"..frame of mind) I decided to give it another try.

This time I used some of my precious Rainbow Lite hand dyed thread from TatsKool so I couldn't woos out on it without wasting this precious thread (and the $$ associated in getting it in the first place)...

So here it is... TA DA!!!

You have to watch where you are in the pattern pretty carefully but a photocopy of the pattern and a highlighter solved that problem.


  1. Nicely parlayed!
    Fox: ))

    I think I did one similar to this but had to make a matching cover! This will tell you about your tension... Like a little pocket, it has to all match up.... just a thought.. ; ))

    1. Nice idea Fox. Will check out how much thread is left.

  2. I think I'll put that one on my to-do list, it's fascinating!

  3. Very nicely done! I will also have to put this on my to-do list.

  4. Beautiful and color nice too! these can be mind boggling, You kept good form!

  5. It looks great! And intriguing. My list is getting longer . . .

  6. Love the colour! I can see how you might get lot easily, I will definitely have to challenge myself and give it a try.


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