And so the work begins.......

Thought I might just catalogue my tatting shuttles. Thinking it would hour or so??

Think again sunshine!!!

This is just the start.....

This is without adding my precious ones to the table!!

Not even going to try to work out how much I have spent. But then there are 30 "working" Clovers in this lot...... not telling how many shuttles AREN'T on the table LOL.

6 Feb 2020 - I laugh at your silly idea that this is a lot of shuttles....pffffffffff......


  1. That looks familiar! How DID you get into my house? I've still got a bag somewhere with about 30 unused Aero England shuttles in. Wonder where that is?

    1. Muahahahahaha......sprung!!..

      We need to get together and compare them Jane!

  2. you make me laugh I'm the one who said "she who has the most shuttles wins!" ha ha ha looks like you win, I gots lots too, but this may take the cake girl. oooooo can i have that one? :)

  3. I thought Lace Lovin' librarian(Diane) was the shuttle collector queen. You sure have a collection there yourself!!! :)

  4. wow... looking at your shuttles I understand I have a long long way to go...

  5. You have more shuttles than I have books! - it is going to be good to see close-up pictures of them all.

    1. Maureen......NOONE could ever have ANYTHING more than you have books!!! Love it!

  6. When you're finished, would you like to come and catalog mine? ;-)

    She who dies with the most shuttles wins!

  7. That looks like lots of fun!!!!

  8. Sadly I realised there are at least 14 missing. Plus the ones I gave away when I thought I was going to quit tatting... think there were 20 or so of those...But I did keep the ones that are precious to me. AND I have bought a heap since I cam back to tatting that are not here too. :(


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