It's here.....REALLY here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippee,, hooray......

OK - worked out I am excited yet?? LOL
I have a new tatting book!!

Hmmm...Pointed out to me by a friend who was here this morning - that I already have MANY (too??) tatting books - so what was so important about this one?????

(Hrmpp - non-tatters!!!)

The thing is.. I am a tatting addict. There - out in the open. (As if those of you who know me didn't realise this already!!). If it is tatting related - I gotta get it. But most of the fun of my tatting addiction comes from the chase...that obscure pattern, thread, shuttle or book that (regardless of content) you just HAVE to have.

I am an investigator by nature, a procurer of the elusive by reputation. (modest too....). If it is frustratingly near impossible to find, I have to give it a try. There are things I have searched for over a period of years (see shuttle entry here) but I got 'em eventually!! BUT....I do have a limit to what I will pay for something.

I have been chasing a book for well over a year now after seeing a pattern picture online that I decided I wanted to do. The only ones I saw of it were up around the 50 euro mark plus postage to buy.....WAY out of my league for a book I cannot look at first.

Then... just as I was seriously starting to consider paying 38.00 euro plus 12.00 euro for postage for this book -(approx $78.00 AUD) it magically appeared on eBay in Germany for......5.9 euro!!!!!!! BUY IT NOW!!!!!!!! that was ONLY $9.23 AUD plus about $10 for postage!!!!!!!!!

So naturally...I bought it! and here it is ..... my latest addition to the every growing library.

The book is Occhi by Hilde Schleip

Published in 1989 and although not that hard to find - still hard in that it is usually priced quite high.

The patterns include edgings, motifs and doilies. Hand drawn diagrams (which several are hard to read the print on) and short notation instructions (German).

Some nice patterns. Lots of onion ring type arrangements and multiple chain rows. Several patterns very reminiscent of Frauberger and Konior.

Overall nice enough book with plenty to do in it. But is it worth the larger asking prices??? hmmm......not in my opinion. But everyone has their own value on things. Once again it comes down to - if you hold out a bit longer sometimes it can be worth it.


  1. It's all about the thrill of the chase.....but, when you eventually find what you have been searching for, isn't it also just a little sad? - you have to immediately find something else to hunt for!
    Enjoy your new book.

  2. Congratulations on your find! It is always when you can find a book you've been wanting for a decent price. I wish I could find the older Konior books but I could never afford them!

  3. Congratulations. :-)
    I also won the German patterns that I showev you. Only 40 kroner and 20 for postage. Yippie twice.

  4. Congratulations on finally getting a copy of your latest tatting book! I agree that you can never have enough tatting supplies, books, or tools!

  5. How fantastic! You are very clever in your ability to tat from books that are not written in English.

  6. I hope you enjoy your book as much as I did reading about how you aquired it.

  7. Congratulations! I also love the thrill of the hunt!

  8. Oh, WOW! That is exciting!!! I know that feeling! I do! That is a cool book, Liyarra! I'm happy for you and your book! I can't wait to see what you tat out of it!

  9. Lucky duck. =)
    Have fun, looking forward to seeing what you do out of it!
    Won't be at the meeing tomorrow, diseased. =(
    Happy tatting!
    Cas. =)

  10. What a great find! Am anxious to see how it affects your shuttles...
    Fox : )

  11. This looks to be a great book pleased that you could get it after all that waiting and trying......sorry I am late in answering.
    Missed you and Cas at the first Guild meeting for the year.


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