Motif 4

This motif is from my all time favourite book. Schiffchenspitze by Tina Frauberger (the 1921 book). There is hardly a pattern in that book that I do not want to do. You have to work to read the patterns - but once you decipher the notation the patterns are well worth the effort.


The thread is Lizbeth 115 - Springtime - size 40.

Both the Frauberger books (1917 and 1921) have been put into one volume by Christel Wutzmer and Agnes Focke and can be found here. at the bottom of that page.

It was expensive (about 53.45 Euro to Australia - approx $83 AUD) but in my mind it was well worth it. The book is hard cover, beautifully bound and comes with a basic translation page of the symbols used in the pattern notation (in German). This is a bit of a let down - at that price an English translation of the symbols would have been handy.

Don't let that put you off - the book is FANTASTIC!!!

More motifs from it to come I can assure you..............


  1. All your recent motifs have been beautimus, but I like this one the best. There's something fresh about it - must be that out row of chains.

  2. Hi Jenni

    That book was my Xmas present and I agree with you whole-heartedly - expensive but SO drool-producing that it is worth it LOL. Like you there are so many patterns I want to do.

    I think it has overtaken my previous favourite book (a Dutch one) but I've only had it 2 days so haven't fully decided yet!

    Maybe we an sound each other out if we have problems with any of the patterns?

  3. I love this motif, but I probably won't pay that much for a book I can't even read. I have a few like that and they just sit because it is so time consuming just to figure out a small motif like this. You've tatted this one beautifully!

  4. Again you are impressing me with not only your exquisite tatting but your information about books and patterns that are 'new' to me (also those on your slideshow). Thanks so much for the link to this 1917/1921 volume. I'm guessing that the title of the book is simply, "Tatting", in German! I'm constantly amazed at the variety of patterns developed by the early generations of tatters. This motif looks very pretty in Springtime.

  5. Gina,
    I am sure if you saw the book you would fall in love with it. There are beautiful doilies and other items in it and really the notation is not hard - just different. An experienced tatter would have no problems working it out and every pattern has a very clear photo with it.
    I found my biggest problem was deciding which pattern to start with!!!

    This is the book that Susanne (Dantatter) and I work from a fair bit when we have our tat sessions online.

  6. The colour, design and your tatting are all very beautiful. I checked out the link for the pattern book but I couldn't make head nor tails of the website so I won't get it myself but thanks for sharing all the same.


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