Robin Perfetti doily addiction.....

Over the last few months I have had a bit of a pattern purchase splurge and bought several patterns from Robin Perfetti's Etsy shop - tattingbythebay I bought the Magic Square, Bouquet Doily, and Classic Heart pattern to add to her Snowflake Pattern Pack and Tatted Coasters Pack I bought way back in 2016. (yes they are still sitting there waiting......) So I thought I had better get out there any do some of them. Firstly I have to say - if you haven't tried one of Robin's patterns please treat yourself to one or more. Even if you check out her free ones first, that she so generously makes available, on her blog Tatting By the Bay You will be rewarded with some of the nicest and most logically set out patterns you will ever see and they all tat up beautifully! So..... firstly I did the Classic Heart (gave it away and the only photo I have is dodgy...oops.) But seriously it is a gorgeous pattern...