How tight is tight enough when it comes to chains???

A few of weeks ago I bought two patterns from Renulek. The current Wiosna 2017 and a pattern called "Sunflower". The big doily I am having zero issues with and am up to round 9 so far.....the Sunflower doily however is frustrating me to the point that I am questioning every piece of tatting I have ever done! I tat with a mediumish tight (definitely not loose) tension that is pretty consistent however EVERY attempt on this doily has given me issues and bowled. After 5 attempts to get past row 3, using different thread, different size thread, different tension, I just cannot get it to sit for me. So in desperation I searched everywhere for someone that had completed the pattern and didn't have any success (unusual) so I wrote to Renulek. Her answer was that perfect tension on this doily is essential, I am not tatting tight enough and that I need to pull my chains a lot tighter. "As tight as you close your rings". (Although being referred to as...