Go over to my new page The Shuttle In My Pocket for an update on the current shuttlemakers worldwide. https://theshuttleinmypocket.blogspot.com/ Also find more information on the Facebook group Tatting Shuttle Addicts https://www.facebook.com/groups/tattingshuttleaddicts If you find some not on the list please let me know! liyarra@gmail.com
Toni Storer Square tat-along
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Hi all. As promised I contacted Toni Storer and she has given me permission to share her square doily pattern so we can do it together! { From Toni: Hi Jenni, yes sure you can use any of those patterns of mine. Good to see your still tatting and sharing the skill. } So here you go! https://facebook.com/events/s/tonis-square-tat-along/915352462303954/?ti=cl
Cruising through the UFO list
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U.F.O Everyone has one.......come on ....you know you do! That (those) pesky patterns that seemed too boring, too difficult at the time, ran out of thread, or you saw something shinier to try instead..... YES THOSE!! I recently swapped my craft room into the other spare bedroom and while sorting through things I came across a few (ok a LOT) of unfinished pieces. So like a good girl I put them into bags with the pattern and the thread and labelled them nicely with start date, pattern name and thread....then put them nicely into a big plastic see through box...and into the cupboard they went. (well I WAS in the process of moving office. My excuse and I am sticking to it!) I then went through all my tatting bits ad pieces and catalogued them. One piece stumped me and I went off on a complete non office moving tangent to try and identify it. Turns out it was a piece from way back in 2006. A square doily by Toni Storer published in the NSW Guild Newsletter in 2005. It was a piece to h...
A tat-along delight
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I have started getting back into tatting with the cooler weather and this stupid COVID19 virus lockdown. There was a tat along on Facebook in May, Kwitnacy kasztanoweic - Blooming Chestnut run by Frywolitka2233 (Ewa Wasiliszyn) so I signed up for it. Lovely little pattern that is simple but quite elegant. The original had beads but I did not have any that fitted well with the thread. Thank you Ewa. It is a great little pattern and I look forward to seeing your book when it comes out. You can follow Ewa on Facebook for more information and possibly future tat alongs?? https://www.facebook.com/Frywolitka2233/ Threads: Lizbeth 40 Cream (610) Lizbeth 40 Olive Dk (678) Venus 40 Vanilla (733) Lizbeth 40 Lilac Medium (642)
Another Ginny beauty!
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A long time ago I got a pattern from Ginny Weathers. She had designed a doily incorporating metal filigree squares. Sadly at the time I could not source them here and I put the pattern away. Not that long ago I was reminded of that pattern and decided to see if any of the findings I had would work. My thread of choice is usually 40 and I had some smaller findings than the ones Ginny used in her pattern with size 20 thread, so experiment time it was!!! I know this pattern as Lottie but it is also known as Star Attraction. Ginny....it is a lovely pattern to tat. The metal findings were just the right size for the 40 thread and I LOVE it!!!! Thank you for sharing your design talents. xxx Thread is Guineviere size 40 by AlenaleaDesign https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/AlenAleaDesign
Request for flowers!
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Hi All, Victats Clarke is wanting some donated tatted flowers for a project she is working on for Palmetto Tat Days later this year. So if you have pesky bits of thread on shuttles you want to use and don't know what to do with the scraps.........here you go! The link to her project and pattern is : https://victats.blogspot.com/2020/03/can-you-help.html?m=1&fbclid=IwAR3L_gQ4yTdrBbUCUX-8KEY6wp4JOp1fGMoFfBbO-wLa8z0vsmQRYjJhhqc
"Loving Hearts"
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Another stunning pattern from Laura Bziukiewicz. This one was not a tat along. I loved doing Arleta so much I went and looked up her other patterns on Etsy and spent my lunch money! https://www.etsy.com/au/market/lauratatting Thread is Yarnplayer's "Stardate" 40 and Lizbeth 40 Ocean Teal Medium (664)